Sheet Music

Robert King has created many dozens of editions of baroque and classical music for use in concerts and recordings by choirs, orchestras and soloists across the world, including The King's Consort. These are practical performing editions, ideal for both professional and amateur use.

All our editions offered for sale are properly typeset. Instrumental parts have intelligent page turns, and continuo bass lines are fully figured (but keyboard continuo realisations are not supplied). If a vocal score is not listed, singers perform from the full score. We are gradually adding vocal scores which contain keyboard reductions of the orchestral parts.

Please ensure that you order enough full scores for conductor, vocal soloist(s) and keyboard continuo player(s). We offer substantial discounts for multiple sets of vocal scores, making it economic to order anywhere between 5 and 100 scores for your chorus.

Please select a category:

Astorga: Stabat Mater

SATB soli, choir SATB : strings, organ continuo

Blow: Behold, O God, our defender

choir SATB : organ continuo

Blow: God spake sometime in visions

SSAATTBB choir & soli : strings, bc

Clarke, Jeremiah: A Song upon the Death of the famous Mr. Henry Purcell

STB soli, SATB chorus : 2 trumpets, timpani, 2 recorders, 2 oboes, strings, bc

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Corrette: Laudate Dominum

SHtBar soli, SATBarB chorus : 2 flutes, 1 oboe, 1 bassoon, solo violin, strings, bc

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Gibbons: Te Deum (from the Second Service)

SSSAATTB soli, choir SSAATTBB : organ

Greene: Hearken unto me, ye holy Children

ATB soli, choir SATB : strings, 2 oboes, bassoon, bc

Handel-Mendelssohn: Israel in Ägypten (1833 version)

Mendelssohn's version for Düsseldorf, 1833, reconstructed by Robert King

SSATB soli : SSAATTBB chorus : 2fl, 2ob, 2clar, 2fg, 2hn, 2trpt, 3trbn, timps, strs

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Handel: The Choice of Hercules

SAT soli, choir SATB : 2 trumpets, 2 horns, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, bc

Haydn, Michael: Missa in honorem Sanctae Ursulae

SATB soli, choir SATB : 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, timps, bassoon, strings, bc

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Knüpfer: Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht

SSAATTB soli, choir SATB : 2 recorders, 2 trumpets, timpani, 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

Knüpfer: Die Turteltaube

SSAATTB soli, choir SSATB : 4 trumpets, timpani, 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

Knüpfer: Jesus Christus unser Heiland

SSAATTB soli, choir SSATB : 2 violins, 3 violas, bassoon, bc

Knüpfer: Super flumina Babylonis

SATB soli, choir SATB : 2 cornetts, 3 sackbuts, 2 violins, 3 violas, bassoon, bc

Knüpfer: Vom Himmel hoch

SSSATB soli, choir SATB : 3 violins, harp, 3 sackbuts, 2 trumpets, timpani, bc

Knüpfer: Was mein Gott will

SSATTB soli, choir SSATTB : 2 violins, 3 violas, bassoon, 3 sackbuts, bc

Knüpfer: Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist (new edition)

SATB soli, choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon or violone, bc

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Kuhnau: Gott, sei mir gnädig nach deiner Güte

choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

Kuhnau: Ihr Himmel jubiliert von oben

SSATB soli, choir SSATB : 3 trumpets, timpani, 2 recorders, 2 violins, 2 violas, bc

Kuhnau: Magnificat

SATB soli, choir SATB : 3 trumpets, timpani, 2 oboes, strings (incl. 2 violas), bc

Kuhnau: O heilige Zeit (new edition)

choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, bc

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Kuhnau: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern

choir SATB : 2 horns, 2 violins, 2 violas, bc

Monteverdi: Vespers (1610)

SSAHTHTTTTBB soli, double choir SATB : 3 cornetts, 3 sackbuts, 2 recorders, 3 violins, 2 violas, 1 cello, bc

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Parry: I was glad

Version for 1911 Coronation (including the complete 1911 Vivats)

strings: 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, cfg: 4hn, 6trpt, 3trbne, tuba: timps, 2sd: org

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Parry (orch. Elgar): Jerusalem

unison voices
strings : pic, 2fl, 2ob, corA, 2cl, bclar, 2fg, cfg: 4hn, 3trpt, 3trbne, tuba: timps, sd, bd: org

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Purcell: Arise, my Muse
(Ode for the birthday of Queen Mary, 1690 - new edition)

SAHTBB soli, choir SATB : strings (incl. 2 vla), 2 recs, 2 obs, 2 trpts, bc

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Purcell: Dido and Aeneas (new edition)

SSSSATB soli, choir SATB : strings, bc

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Ruggieri: Gloria

A solo, SSSSTBB step-out soli, double choir SATB: trpt, 3 oboe, double strings, double bc

Schelle: Aus der Tiefen (new edition)

SATB soli, choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

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Schelle: Christus der ist mein Leben (new edition)

SSATB soli, choir SSATB : 4 violin, 4 viola, bassoon, bc

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Schelle: Gott, sende dein Licht (new edition)

SATB soli, choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

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Schelle: Komm, Jesu, Komm

choir SSATB, organ continuo

Schelle: Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele

choir 1 SSATB, choir 2 SSATB : 2 violin, 2 viola, bassoon, 2 cornetti, 3 sackbuts, 4 trumpets, timpani, bc

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Schelle: Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar

ST soli, choir SSATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cornetti, 3 sackbuts, 2 trumpets, timpani, bc

Schütz: The Christmas Story

SSAATTTBBB soli, choir SATB : 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cornetti, 2 sackbuts, 2 recorders, dulcian, bc

New edition in "high pitch"

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Stanford: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G major
(version for full orchestra, edited Robert King)

SB soli, choir SATB
strings: 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2fg: 4hn, 2trpt, 3trbne: timps: org: harp

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Vivaldi: Beatus Vir RV 795

SAAA soli, choir SATB : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Dixit Dominus RV 595

New edition (including vocal score)
SSA soli, choir SSATB : strings, 2obs, trpt, bc

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Vivaldi: Gloria RV 588 & Jubilate, O amoeni chori (new edition)

This is not the well-known Gloria, but a fine alternative.
New vocal score with piano reduction now available.
Full score and orchestra parts newly edited.
SSAT soli, choir SATB : strings, 2 oboes, trumpet, bc

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Vivaldi: Gloria RV 589

SSM soli , choir SATB : 1 trumpet, 1 oboe, strings, bc

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Vivaldi: Juditha triumphans (new edition)

SAAAA soli, choir SATB : 2 recorders, 2 oboes, chalumeau, 2 clarinets,
2 trumpets, timpani, 4 theorbos, mandolin, 5 viole all'inglesi, strings, bc

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Vivaldi: Laetatus Sum RV 607

choir SATB : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Laudate pueri Dominum RV 602

New edition (including vocal score)
SS soli, choir SATB : double strings, ob, bc

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Zelenka: Invitatorium (from Officium Defunctorum Z47)

choir SATB : 2 flutes, 2 oboes, strings, bc

Boccherini: Stabat Mater (1801 version)

SST soli : strings & organ continuo

Couperin: Magnificat

SS soli : basso continuo
(A transposed version for AA soli is also available)

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Gluck: Je t'implore (from Iphigénie en Tauride)

S solo : 2 horns, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, strings, bc

Handel: Nine German Arias (HWV 202-210)

S solo : melody instrument (violin, flute, oboe), bc

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Handel: Tra le fiamme (cantata HWV 170)

S solo : 2 violins, 2 recorders, oboe, viola da gamba, bc

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Haydn, Joseph: Una donna come me (from Il mondo della luna)

S solo : 2 horns, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, strings, bc

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Haydn, Joseph: Deh soccorri un' infelice (from La fedeltà premiata)

S solo : 2 horns, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, strings, bc

Kuhnau: Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen

S solo : oboe, 2 violins, 2 violas, bc

Mozart: Cara, lontano ancora (from Ascanio in Alba)

S solo : 2 horns, 2 oboes, strings, bc

Purcell: In vain the am'rous flute

2 countertenors: 2 recorders, bc

Purcell: The Plaint (arranged for soprano and string quartet)

also known as "O, let me weep" (from The Fairy Queen)
arr. Robert King for soprano: 2 violins, viola, cello (or viol)

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Schelle: Herr, lehre uns bedenken

new edition
SAB soli : violin, viola, gamba, bc

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Schelle: Wohl dem, der den Herr fürchtet

A solo : 2 violins, 2 violas, bassoon, bc

Vivaldi: Ascende laeta RV 635

M solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Deus tuorum militum RV 612

AT soli : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Gloria e Imeneo RV 687

MA soli : strings, bc

Vivaldi: In turbato mare RV 627

S solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Laudate pueri RV 600

S solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: La Senna Festeggiante RV 693

SAB soli, T coro : 2 flutes, 2 oboes, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Laudate pueri RV 601

S solo : strings, flute, bc

Vivaldi: Nisi Dominus RV 803 (new edition)

S, MS & A soli : chalumeau, 1 violin 'in tromba marina', 1 viola d'amore, organ, strings, bc

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Vivaldi: Nisi Dominus RV 608

A solo : strings (including solo viola d'amore), bc

Vivaldi: Ostra picta RV 642

S solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Salve Regina RV 616

A solo : 2 flutes, double strings, bc

Vivaldi: Salve Regina RV 617

S solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Salve Regina RV 618

A solo : 2 oboes, double strings, double bc

Vivaldi: Sanctorum meritis RV 620

S solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Stabat Mater RV 621

A solo : strings, bc

Vivaldi: Vestro Principi RV 633

A solo : strings, bc

Zelenka: Lamentations

ATB soli : 2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos, bc

Zelenka: Lectiones (from Officium Defunctorum Z47)

STB soli : 1 chalumeau, 2 oboes, 2 recorders (or flutes), strings, bc

Zelenka: Regina coeli laetare Z134

SSA soli : 2 oboes, strings, bc

Zelenka: Salve Regina

B solo : strings (no viola), bc

Zelenka: Salve Regina, mater misericordiae Z135

S solo : 1 flute, 2 oboes, strings, bc

Bach: Six Trio Sonatas (after BWV 525-530, arr. King)

Robert King’s acclaimed arrangements of Bach’s magnificent six organ trio sonatas (BWV 525-530), newly recorded for the Vivat label and available in a revised edition of 2023.

Sonata in D major (after BWV 525): two violins & bc (or flutes)
Sonata in D minor (after BWV 526): violin, viola & bc (or violin & viol)
Sonata in D minor (after BWV 527): oboe, violin & bc (or violins, or flute & violin or oboe d’amore)
Sonata in E minor (after BWV 528): oboe d'amore, viola & bc (or viola, or viol)
Sonata in C major (after BWV 529): oboe, viola & bc (or violin or flute or viol)
Sonata in G major (after BWV 530): two violins & bc

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Handel: Mr Handel's Waterpieces (arr. King)

solo trumpet, 2 oboes (optional), strings, bc

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Handel: Overture to The Occasional Oratorio

3 trumpets, timpani, 2 oboes, strings, bc

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Haydn, Joseph: Symphony no 1 in D

2 horns, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, strings, bc

Haydn, Joseph: Symphony no 10 in D

2 horns, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, strings, bc

Lully: Marche pour la Cérémonie des Turcs (arr. King)

2 oboes & oboe da caccia (or cor anglais), 2 bassoons, 2 recorders (optional) or 2 flutes (optional), strings (incl 2 violas), drum, hpschd

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Lully: Suite in C major (arr King)

La Marche des Combattants : Chaconne des Scaramouches : Rondeau
2 oboes & oboe da caccia, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets, bc, timpani, strings (incl 2 violas)

Purcell: The Duke of Gloucester's Sonata (arr. King)

solo trumpet (in C), 2 oboes (optional), strings, bc

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Rameau: Suite from Les Boréades (arr King)

2 horns, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (optional), bassoon(s), strings, bc (percussion optional)

Ouverture : Entrée d'Abaris : Air vif (Torture d'Alphise) : Contredanse en Rondeau

Roman: Suite from the Drottningholm Music (arr King)

2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in C major RV 555

2 recorders, oboe, chalumeau, violin, 2 viole all'inglesi, 2 violins 'in tromba marina',
2 harpsichords, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in D major RV 562

violin, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in D major RV 781

2 trumpets (can be played on 2 oboes), strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in D minor RV 540

viola d'amore and lute, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in D minor RV 566

2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 violins, strings, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in F major RV 97

viola d'amore, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 horns, bc

Vivaldi: Concerto in F major RV 574

violin, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 horns, strings, bc

how to buy

Please use the contact form to make an enquiry or to place an order. We will advise you of the total price including postage, any applicable discounts (ie for multiple vocal scores) and delivery times. We accept payment for music orders by sterling cheque and by bank transfer, but 95% of our customers pay using PayPal.

turn-around times

We aim to dispatch music orders within a few days of receiving payment.

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